
Friday, August 30, 2013

Yeah Football Season

I love fall.  Everything about it is awesome.  The weather, at least in this part of the country, is awesome with cool nights and warm days.  It's blue jeans and hoodie weather, which doesn't cause near the same amount of problems here as it does in Florida.  The beer is great and the food is great as both are flooded in the seasonal goodness that is pumpkin flavor.  However, please note, eating an actual pumpkin tastes like shit.  But on top of all that other general awesomeness is the return of football.

I love football, not in the "oh goodie my favorite team is on", but in the "yeah sure I will watch a Division III game between two teams which previously haven't won a game in 10 ten years".  I will watch high school games, and then incorrectly remember my own high school football tales of glory.  They are much better in my head than they ever were in real life.  I am a Bengals fan, which means the vast majority of my adulthood was spent angry on Sunday afternoons, but lately the happy Sunday is outpacing the "we suck" Sunday.  As a general rule, if you talk to me on Sunday you should check the score before you call!

Fall will be interesting for the family as well this year.  Carson is in first grade and Becks is in the Big K.   I took today off work (its a Friday), and I am sitting here typing while the twins play.  There is no reason for me to walk outside and curse "Put my friggin' tools back!" or "No, you can't use my flippin' chainsaw".  Both boys are somebody else's problem right now!!! Carson seems to be having a tough time with getting up early, at least he keeps waking up on the cranky ass side of his bed.   Not to mention every school night has been a fist fight at bed time, thankfully my wife doesn't take any shit from grammar school kids.  If it were just me, they would be up playing on-line poker after 10PM, because I am a sucker and poker skills are good for math.

We are going to try cub scouts with Carson this year.  I am a little gun shy because I get the feeling this will end up being an activity where I have to do a bunch of stuff and he pouts about having to go.  Hopefully I am wrong.  We all could use to learn some scout skills, you know... for when the Zombie Apocalypse sets in!  Side Note:  Walking Dead returns in October... yet another reason to love fall.  The scouts brochure is all about camping and fishing and outdoorsie crap, all of which I possess ZERO skills in.  It will make for a good blog post when I am the laughing stock of the jamboree!

Oh well... I am going to go take care of a little work on my day off.  Because I am a sucker!  Enjoy the long weekend, enjoy football season, enjoy fall, enjoy pumpkin muffins from dunkin donuts (seriously...), enjoy some pumpkin beers (soooo many good ones).

- Eric

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