
Monday, August 19, 2013

Coney Island

Saturday was the annual "Twins Day" at Coney Island, so its an annual thing for us.  Last year was an absolute nightmare we were there for about ten minutes, the twins were insane little scream monsters and the big boys were too small to ride most of the rides (at least Becks was too small).

This year had to be better...

It didn't start off better!  The boys and I had been at a birthday  party earlier in the day, so we were already tired out.  And thanks to Becks putting a solid crack to Carson's face, Carson pulled his last baby front tooth (pic is on the twitter feed).  Tooth fairy had to go to the ATM!  But I digress, when we got to Coney the twins were not having it.  Grant screamed for 10 minutes straight.  I tried holding him, feeding him, letting him run, sticking him in the chair, nothing... just screaming.  That is... until he found rocks.  If you have ever been to Coney you know the picnic area is a big (crappy) playground covered in pebbles.  It seems all my children need to find joy is crappy playground covered in pebbles.  Grant walked around the area for 30 minutes as follows:  step, bend, pick up rocks, throw rocks, laugh, repeat.  It was like magic happy sauce.  It purged whatever demon he was wielding and before we finished our picnic he was again a happy, albeit dirty, child.

So we slapped on the leashes, we have these supper cute baby leashes which I HIGHLY recommend if you have a runner (or two), and went to the park.

The park was a bit of a mixed bag.  You can imagine what twin two year olds running on leashes looks like and when we are all moving in the same direction its cute, but when Grant goes one way and Gabe goes the other, it looks a little "rough", but we endured and no one called child services... WIN!

The rides were awesome.  Carson is big enough (and brave enough) to ride everything with me.  We did the roller coaster and the drop (elevator tower thing).  He was awesome.  Loved 'em and wanted back on as soon as we got off.  Becks is not quite ready.  The tower was a no go from sight, and while we did do the roller coaster together, I can admit the sheer look of terror on his face at the first drop was a bit more than I wanted him to endure.  The "get me off this thing" screams sure make for a "I am the worst parent in the history of parenting moment", which lasts for 2 full minutes during the ride.  All in all it was a HUGE win for the Stary Family at Coney.  Becks even won at the ring toss game, which is friggin' rigged.  I could have played a 1000 times and never won, Becks won on his second toss.  BOOM!

Good Day, Great Weekend, Now... get back to work.

Side note: The neck tattoo count at Coney is ridiculous!

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