Monday, August 12, 2013

Week Off

So last week I made a conscious effort to eat as much as I could throughout the day.  I bought a bad of almonds and peanut m&ms and a box of protein bars.  I lifted heavy and shoveled the food in.  I gained 6 lbs in a week.  A WEEK!

I am good at gaining weight.

So that experiment worked a little too well.  I am gonna  have to pull back a bit or I am going to need to go back to my "fat pants" by the end of the month.

I really liked my workout that I put together and I will certainly keep that going.  I think I am going to move the cardio (running) to the start of the workout to make sure I don't skip it.  Then move to the weights.  I am going to cut way back on the carbs for a couple weeks, see how that treats me.

Enjoy the week!

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