Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day of School

Carson is now in first grade.  Becks is in kindergarten.  The Twins are, well they are still pooping themselves but damn it they will be in school soon too.  Its crazy how fast it seems to go.  Pics Pics

The first day of school is a weird day.  You picked out your favorite clothes, your best shoes, your new backpack.  You went to giant building filled with 100s to 1000s of other freaked out kids.  You sat down at your desk and then you tried to find another kid who looked or acted or dressed like you.  Misery loves company.

It must be especially weird in first grade and the big K.  Its not like you really know these kids, sure you may know some of the from the hood' but you don't know who this funny smelling kid in the seat next to you is. What are you gonna do if that kid is a turd?  Now you are stuck with the turd, all year!  And let's not even get started on the bus or the lunch room!

My stomach will be in knots all day for my kids, I don't pity that anxiety.  Sure, I am secretly jealous that they have their entire lives in front of them, but those first day of school butterflies.  They can keep them.

Boys, I wish you luck.  Have fun.  Make friends.  Listen to your teachers.  Be safe!  Come home safe!  I love you and I am proud of you.  Now, go kick some school ass!

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