Friday, August 16, 2013

Wisdom Teeth

I am 36 and 11/12ths, I have had a really good run lately with the dentist after basically going 10 years without going (things you don't do in your 20's).  At today's visit, my 4th in the last two years, the dentist mentioned that my wisdom teeth, still sitting patiently in my jaw could be a "problem" down the line.

Insert sad face!

If I have to get my wisdom teeth removed in my 40's because of aging gums, I will cry (just a little) every day for 10 years.  Not only do I not want to have to deal with the pain, I can fairly well assume my crap ass insurance won't cover but a speck of the bill.  Nothing like having to pay through the nose for your teeth.

Oh well... nothing I can do.  At least when it finally happens it will probably inspire a funny story or two for


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