
Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Fair

Yesterday was our annual outing to the Boone County Fair.  Not only is it the best deal in family fun (8 bucks for unlimited rides), but its the single best source of neck tattoo viewing in the greater metro area.

The boys did pretty good, we are in a weird age where the kiddie rides are getting boring for them, but the adult rides are still a little too much.  We rode some coaster thing together and about half way through the screams of joy turned into... are we done?

The big hit was the Ferris wheel.  The boys loved it.  Nothing like being stuck up 100 feet in the air with your life in the hands of Carnie.

We ate too much junk and brought home so donuts for Sunday morning.  Side note: fair donuts are awesome!

See the pics in the twitter feed.  Good Times!

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