Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stupid Wagon

Yesterday, I had clients in to discuss some items for some projects we are working on.  So... I put on some nice pants, at least I tried to put on some nice pants.  I don't know what I did the last time I went shopping or if every ounce I lost came out of my waist and ass, but none of these pants fit.  They are all a size too big in the middle and two sizes too long (I know I didn't shrink).

Now I am going to have to go blow up Macy's over the weekend and by some new pants.  Part of my year of me, was to improve the wardrobe so its still part of the plan.  I was just hoping to do the shopping later in the summer after I have had a chance to knock off a few more pounds.  But, lately the scale is moving in the wrong direction so now is as good a time as any.

The new "uniform" will be dark slacks (yeah... I said slacks), solid color polo, nice shoes, and maybe a pimp challis.

But my fashion choices aside this seems to happen to me once every two years.  I lose weight or gain weight, have to buy new clothes then 6 months later, the clothes don't fit because that I fell off the stupid wagon again.  Perhaps this time, in the year of Eric, I can keep it up.

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