
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I was looking through this site and couldn’t help notice that I really don’t have a BIO.  How can this be my personal branding piece if I really don’t explain who I am, or at least my perception of who I am?


So, here are the things that make me… ME!


I am a husband and father of four.  That gets listed first because for the last few years, especially the last two (our twins are two years old), this has been the majority of my life when I am not at work or asleep.  The kids (all boys) are 2, 2, 5, and 6.  They have personalities as different as complete strangers yet striking similarities.  The oldest two, often get assumed to be twins even though Carson is a good 6 inches taller than Beckham.  Carson is a sweet, sweet kid but brave and tough.  Becks is rough tough kid, but gentle and shy.  The twins are, well… twins.  We don’t know if they are identical but man they sure look it.  They each have little quirks that make them unique but their actions can be so freakishly similar at times.


I am trying to become a better “homeowner” and develop my fixing skills.  We have a 20 year old house which has 20 year old house issues and I am learning on the fly.  I find it incredibly satisfying when I fix or make something (like the kids play set).  It’s a feeling that work rarely duplicates.


I work in pharmaceuticals and have for the past 13 years now (since I graduated in 1999).  I like to think of myself as a Project Manager first and foremost although my current job title is Account Manager, many of the same tools and techniques are used.  I hold two graduate degrees (MS and MBA) which I am very proud of and a couple professional certifications (PMP and SSBB) and I am always looking for something more to learn.  I am very well versed in Office applications and possess some database skills which I am trying to grow as “Big Data” becomes a possible career track for me in the future.


I love football, the Bengals own my Sundays in the fall.  My kids love watching Daddy freak out while watching the game.  I like food but I am not a foodie, I like working out but I am not a gym rat.  I love technology but I am not a nerd/geek (or whatever the cool term for that is nowadays).   I love movies much more than TV shows, I like to get the whole story in one sitting.  I am proud of my iPod music collection but I rarely turn my radio off of NPR (what a nerd!).   A great weekend for me involves pizza and beers with a movie on Saturday night followed by football and home improvement projects on Sunday.


I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far in my life, I am genuinely very happy with the first 36 years.  I look forward to the next challenge and the opportunities that come with it.




-          Eric


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