
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I have had a revelation these last couple of days.  Maybe its the spring, thawing the crust of winter off my face.  Or maybe its the 20 pounds I lost (boom!).  Either way, I have decided that if I am going to make anything of myself, this work, my "real work", or anything for that matter, I am going to do it MY WAY.

I am done trying to fit into a mold which clearly does not fit me.  I am done trying to shape myself into something that I am not.  I am not Jack Donaghy, and I am done trying to convince myself that I am.  All that stuff I said just two weeks ago about shifting my focus, well shift that stuff right back.

This is going to be a work about me, who I am, and what I want to be.  This is going to be a work, to capture what legacy I have and one day my kids will be able to look at this, edit this, watch this, and see what kind of person their father was in the middle of his mid-life crisis ;)

Enjoy the work... I will!

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