Thursday, April 25, 2013

I am an impulse buyer just waiting to happen.  So I just re-re-re-re-re-re-upgraded the account to a full website and I will re-re-re-re-re-re-re-commit myself to developing the page and turning it into a profitable endeavor.

I had a solid conversation/bitch-fest with a great friend the other day, and after hearing myself speak I think this is the best way to ensure I continue developing professionally and personally.  I have been complaining for sometime that I needed a hobby beyond getting older.  Well hobby, here you go.

Plus, this fits in with the whole YOE concept well.  Nothing better than committing yourself to being a better person and blasting that commitment to the planet.  Like an open invitation to a sink or swim event.

So... the next question is what should this little project focus on.  I guess to be fair to myself and my legions of fans, I should focus on me and what I deal with daily.  With that said here are the agenda items for version 2.0 (its more like 18.0 but I really don't count the other 17 attempts at this).

  1. Parenting, after all it is the majority of my free time
  2. Work, or at least the things I can talk about as part of work
  3. My never ending struggle to be fit, there is a topic I can always fall back on
  4. Professional development, namely HTML and Data skills I wanted to develop anyway
  5. Life as a 36 year old personally satisfied, professionally stagnated, dude
I think that should cover this nicely.  Wish me luck!

- Eric

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