Saturday, January 29, 2022

Chapter 7: The Twins


It is 2010, Cyndi and I have decided to try one more time for a girl. Like the first two times we are good at getting pregnant. I know many couples struggle with pregnancy, but her and I had no issues. I am pretty sure as soon as she told the Universe she was ready, boom... preggers.

The pregnancy was fairly normal at the start, except she got really big, really fast. We had our early appointments at the Ob/Gyn and everything seemed normal.  One heartbeat, thumping away. She often joked that twins ran in the family, but we were assured... just one baby. She would say, I can feel movement at the top of my belly and at the bottom of my belly and that is either two babies or one really big baby. For some reason they didn't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks. I don't recall if that is normal or not, I just remember that is what they did. The ultrasound had to be one of the weirdest moments of our lives. 

We came to the office for the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was a middle aged lady, probably around my age now. She was a really bubbly person, and was saying bubbly things like "let's go take a look at baby!". She slapped that goo on Cyndi's belly and started to move that wand around. Now, I am not an ultrasound technician, but I know when I see a two-headed monster. Baby A and Baby B. The tech paused, put the wand down and opened Cyndi's chart. She looked at us with complete abject terror in her eyes. Cyndi and I started to laugh, hysterically. I am sure it was 50% funny and 50% fear, but we both knew right away. It was twins.

The technician's demeanor changed. As we laughed she said something of the effect that this was not a laughing matter, that the pregnancy had just become very risky. We continued to laugh. What were we supposed to do? Cry? Sure, we were a little freaked out, but like everything else we would be freaked out together.  Our little family was going to get a little bit bigger a little bit faster.

We went out that day and bought a minivan. We ordered a second crib. We started to think about matching names. 

Now, much like Beckham, these boogers enjoyed the womb. Cyndi carried two babies to 38 weeks and those babies only came out because the Ob decided to go in and get them. The pregnancy was really hard on Cyndi. It seemed to take more out of her than the others. I am sure growing two babies is a daunting task for any body to take on.

The caesarean was scheduled for April fools day, sharing a birthday with my Mother. This time the surgery went smoother, at least during the procedure. After, was a different story all together. Cyndi lost a lot of blood in the birth of the twins, you can see in the picture above how exhausted she was. I remember after the delivery they pushed on her stomach. It was beyond any shadow of a doubt the worse noise I had ever heard up until the last few weeks. That scream hurt my soul. She was in so much pain. She was unconscious for nearly two full days after the birth.  She would wake up, chat for a minute and then pass right back out. I remember remarking at how no one from the hospital asked if I knew what I was doing with babies. I guess I am lucky that I did, cause the staff didn't do a damn thing. That third day in the hospital, her doc said you might need some blood. And like a magic wand, she came back. 

The next day we went home. We were a full team of 6. 

Twins are unique creatures, they were really good babies. The seem to take care of each other, or at least to calm each other which makes for good babies. Now two year old twins were a different story and I will tell you all about that in the California chapter.

Next: California...

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