Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 4: Bayside

Greetings and Happy Super Bowl Sunday and Groundhog Day.  While its not his birthday Carson was born on Super Bowl Sunday, so we always end up eating some extra cake and ice cream on this fine day.

Its been a good week, but a bit of a stressful week.  I think I have mentioned before, the biggest change has been the lack of control over the twins.  In our house back in KY, we had the twins on lock down.  While this was great for Mom and Dad it probably wasn't the best for the twins.  They didn't get to explore the house all that often and maybe it kept them "babies" a little longer than otherwise.  Well regardless of that, in CA its open house and on top of open house the twins have figured out how to climb out of their crib.  Cyndi captured a fantastic video of the twins going nuts in their cribs climbing in and out.  There is one shot of Gabe about half way in where he just does a face plant.  Classic.... Check out the video below (if you are not friends with Cyndi you won't be able to view it, but I will upload it to youtube soon).

To make matters one step worse the twins have also discovered the toilets and the locks.  On MULTIPLE occasions we have found the twins at the toilet, hands in the water, squealing with joy.  I proceed to freak out and scream, they proceed to laugh louder and splash toilet water.  DIS - GUS - TING.  The twins won't be potty trained until they are 17 because every time they get near the bathroom I scream at them.  To make matters worse, they have figured out how to lock their doors.  It got so bad with their bedroom, I flipped the lock around so now we can LOCK THEM IN!  Locking them in has been hugely successful at bed time, they literally just tear their room apart until they get tired and pass out (it's like college minus all the booze).

Side note: Cyndi and I went out to dinner last night and we hired a sitter.  When the sitter showed up we gave her the rundown. When we explained that the twins were locked in their bed room, she looked at us like we were maniacs!  She had to envision a dungeon with twins chained to the walls.  We told her she was welcome to go up there and check on them as often as she liked, but it was a priceless reaction.

Side Side note: We are such party animals, we went to BJs and Target to celebrate our anniversary.  Someone better schedule an intervention!

The rest of the fam is doing well.  Carson had his first drop-off  birthday party.  While he seemed to fine with the drop off part, when I picked him up he was by himself (as in not playing with others). That made me feel like a big old POS, but a stop at McDonalds seemed to cure him.  Becks has his first drop-off party today, hopefully it goes better.

While Carson was out at his party the rest of us went to try In and Out Burger and holy mother of pearl, that is the best fast food burger you are ever going to eat.  When we ordered, I was nervous, like asking a girl to prom nervous.  I finished our order and the employee asked me if we will be eating in our car (which we were going to do), I was completely freaked out for a second.  I though how did this person know we were going to eat in the car?!?! Oh... they ask that of everybody.  California is weird.

We also took a driving tour of the East Bay cities yesterday, we liked what we saw.  We saw lots of malls and Targets and places to eat and shop.  Now we just need to find a house with rent under a million a month.

We have a little Superbowl Party planned for the Stary 6.  With some snacks and cake and ice cream.  I hope yours is as delicious as ours will be.

- Eric

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