Monday, February 10, 2014

One Month in California

No matter how much we try, it still feels like some sort of vacation.  A crappy vacation where I have to go to work and the kids have to go to school but vacation none-the-less.  Its 1/24th of my minimal stay (that’s over 4% for those of you playing with your calculator and not spelling out the “5318008” up-side down).


There has been an absolute explosion of change with the twins.  I don’t know if they were just due (which they were) or it’s the shaking up of routine or comfort zone, but they are really developing fast.  Grant could barely speak in recognizable sounds two months ago, and now he can tell you a story.  Together they have now mastered escaping  from their cribs, the kitchen drawers, the fridge, the door locks, the toilet, and they have become our very own little portable alarm clocks.  No need to set your iPhone, when you hear the squeal of joy you know it’s 6:30 AM, and when you hear the cries you know it’s 7:00 PM.  Clockwork!


The big boys are getting along.  One minute they seem to be right as rain, the next minute they say something that makes it seem like they are miserable.  It’s hard to tell if they are struggling or it they are just being drama queens.  We need to get through this school year and find our “house” so we can settle into a neighborhood.  I have to admit the parks and beach are nice but I will gladly take a family room and a fenced in back yard over that stuff any day.  They boys keep getting invited to birthday parties, which is a big plus, outside of the fact that I don’t have much conversational Mandarin to bust out at parties.  Note to self… work on that.


The weather has finally started to head south for us, its cooler and rainy and looks like we are finally entering what these wimps call winter, we call it April.  To add insult to this little bit of injury my allergies are going bonkers here, perpetual spring (as it turns out) does have a downside.


Work is finally starting to come around, like any new job there is a period of “I have no flipping idea what I am supposed to do”.  It was a little magnified for me because of the design of the workplace here.  Everyone is very spread out, and you don’t meet people until you have already pissed them off.  Well… at least I have already pissed them off.  I have to admit the free Starbucks is pretty awesome though!  However, the gym SUCKS!  How can I be expected to get my swole on in a 1980’s looking jazzercise gym. 


So much for month one.  Looking forward to month two and hopefully a return to some sunshine.


To bring you joy… here are some more gripes from CA.


1.       When I finally move from this part of the country, I am going to relish space!  Not outer space, but good old fashioned room. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a family in NY or Tokyo.  I am quite literally going to walk around everywhere with my arms extended out, because I can.

2.       There are these weird on ramps to the freeway system here, they have stop lights and from the GPS you can’t tell if you are supposed to exit to them or to the actual exit.  As a result I make a wrong turn every time I go anywhere on the damn thing. This is totally us…

3.       I have to walk my dogs twice a day, and they still destroy the patio.  I don’t mind the walking as much as do the doo.  I could go my life and never pick up a turd again, fine by me.  What makes the whole thing worse is that the dogs mess with me and I know that is what they are doing.  They go, I clean it up, throw it away, they go again!  AGH!  Couple this with dirty diapers and my job and I can quite truthfully say I shovel shit all day long.




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