Well we have been over here on the goofy coast for a week, and here are the high level thoughts about California from a life long Kentuckian.
1. So its July and the high temps are in the 60s and the lows are in the 40s, I will take that all day long. Ask me about the weather again in July when the highs are in the 60s and I really miss summer.
2. There is this awesome park/bike path that runs along the bay for miles. The problem with this is the people on it. Just because you own tight pants and a helmet you are not training for the Tour de France. I used to ride my bike 20 miles in a day and I wasn't dressed like a jackass. If you are going to dress like a jack ass at least be polite. The next fatty in spandex that blows past me saying "on your left" is getting a rock in the back of their head.
3. Real estate is in such short supply that parking lots and thusly parking spaces are smaller. If you park next to a car or van with KY plates, you do so at your own risk #baddriver
4. The people here are generally rude, I mean you would expect them to be ruder than back in Cincy. There is a direct mathematical correlation to dickeadedness and city size. Here in the bay we are several more notches up the dickhead meter. But come 'on... what do you dill weeds have to be cranky about... oh never mind, they are all pissed off about their rent.
5. In stores out here you have to pay for bags, and the bags you buy are cheap and fall apart as you try to get your groceries into your house. You can not buy plastic bags, I will elaborate more on this in a minute.
6. There is no trash, there is compostables, recyclables, and trash. There needs to be a training class, when you enter the state that tells you how to process your trash. In KY we call in trash! Hell, my grandparents didn't even take their trash to the curb, they took it out back and burned it. While I appreciate the fact that everyone here is trying to save the world, I hope they realize for all the good they are doing, there is someone in KY right now burning plastic bags in their back yard.
7. Traffic is bad, but not in the sense that it takes long to get somewhere, I mean in just volume of people on the road. I bought Cyndi and I two new GPS systems so we can stop getting lost, at least so I can get lost less. I keep getting into lanes that somehow end up on the freeway, its like a quantum leap, where I just keep leaping into a car that is entering the freeway.
8. In KY people always looked at Cyndi and I like we had 4 heads when we were out with all the kids. People would stop and count, "oh my... 4 boys". Yep... jackass, you can count. In Cali, this is magnified like 5000X. The general thought around here is that two kids is two too many. I see lots of single-child families. I honestly, can not recall seeing another mini-van since we entered Cali. Guess what douchebags, I got 4 kids, and they are going make a mess at dinner. Deal with it!
First impressions aside, the biggest thing has been trying to acclimate to our new place. The kids are a wreck, they can't sleep well, they are all coughing, and the twins are finding new ways to hurt themselves every second. Its like there is an injury manual and they are just going through pages... "let's try this one". The kids start school next week, so things will start settling back into some normal patterns. And maybe we can start getting out and exploring the city and our surroundings.
- Eric
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