Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So last year I made a big deal about the year of Eric (see Summer of George on YouTube).  I did what all those hippie make yourself better jerks do, and I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish and things I should focus on for the year.  Those aforementioned hippie make yourself better jerks know what they are talking about.  By making that stupid little list and looking at it every day, I made a real effort to achieve what I wrote down.  In spite of a few failures (one of my items was to blog daily – Capital “F”, FAIL), I think I did OK.

So here, without further blah blah, is my list for 2014.

  1. Weigh in under 185 with a 34 inch waist
  2. Increase my savings (no, you cannot know the target number, but there is one)
  3. Write 50 blog posts (already on number 3)
  4. 12 weekend trips (take advantage of being in California), with a couple trips being without kids.
  5. Get home at least twice (I am thinking once in summer and definitely over Christmas)
  6. Attend a Reds v. Giants game here in SF.  I know, it’s not much of a goal but it will be really cool
  7. Call home every Sunday
  8. Take care of family coming here (you know the offer I made, and I stand by it)
  9. Dress like a grown man (in my defense I spent the past couple of years working at a place that allowed me to wear jeans, which is like allowing someone to drink Beer in the office.  If you allow it, I will be doing it).
  10. Eat and Drink like a grown man (dinners by the Bay, drinking beer and Bourbon)

Obviously, the big thing for me and the family will be taking advantage of living in California.  We have to get out and do stuff, shake things up, break the mold, insert cliché, etc, etc, etc…

The first big thing will be to see San Fran, we will take the rest of it from there.  Happy 2014!

Eric Stary

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