Monday, January 13, 2020

Jan 13, 2020

I had a little light bulb moment last night.  I have them often this time of year (see other sites/blogs that I have tried).  This one was really simple though.

I have spent the last few years, trying to get myself into hobbies or trying to find something that inspires me.  I often dive in at first, but then the buzz wears off and I just let it bail.

Last night, I had another good idea.  It was really the culmination of a weekend spent watching football (side bar... terrible games) and researching investment ideas.  So here it is:  "Why, am I doing anything other than trying to make more money?".

So... the Ambition-Fund is born.  I know... the name is cheesy, but I need something I could self-market and that was it and Vision Fund was taken.

So here is the goal.  Get to $1,000,000

I currently sit at a cumulative $200K.  I check my money daily, often twice a day.  Why am I even trying to do anything else with my free time.

I bought up the website name and started the blog.  Now to find some ways to make some cash.

Wish me luck...

- Eric

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jan 9

Finally starting to feel normal...

The work day is feeling normal.  Waking up is feeling normal.  Morning exercise is feeling normal.  I sort of remember what I was working on.

I have two short weeks remaining in January and then a week of vacation.

Then a short sprint to bonus season at the end of Feb.  Bonus season always resets the year for me and gives me a new goal to start working towards.

- Eric

Monday, January 6, 2020

Jan 6

Oh my goodness today was a rough day.  Today was my first full day back in the office after the two week holiday break.  Thankfully, it seems that most everyone spent today digging out from behind that mountain of e-mail, because I wasn't too inundated with new stuff.

I spent some time this morning cleaning out my inbox and my calendar and getting prepared for meetings coming up this month. 

I have a pre-planned vacation in three weeks so by the time I am really back in the flow, I will be off again, but there are worse problems to have.

- Eric

Friday, January 3, 2020

Jan 3

WFH Life is getting the best of me today. Spectrum is here trying to fix my modem, which they seem unable to do. I am trying to arrange my office and get organized for the dump truck that is next Monday.

While the Internet is down, I am taking a few minutes to plan and think about how I want this year to go. The calm before the shit storm.

Well here is to a successful 2020!


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jan 2

Back to real life...

Back to work today.  It always feels weird after a break to get back into the flow, especially today.  My kids are at home and I have a vacation looming just 3 weeks down the road.

must focus...

Today I will eat well, exercise (both a long walk and some weights), and watch a little football.  I was particularly terrible to myself over the break, too many cookies. 

Have a great day, week, month, and year!


- Eric

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 1, 2020


Hello and Happy 2020.  Just a couple of quick thoughts on 2020.  I have three goals, and only three.  If I keep this simple, I may get something accomplished ;). 

Goal #1: Write every day.  Be it here on this page or on another page or even on a piece of paper.  I need to write every day.  Have a thought and put it into the world. 

Goal #2: Once and for all, drop that 30 pounds (goal weight 185 lbs).  Two months ago, I was actively trying to gain weight.  I was actively trying to put muscle on this 43 year-old body.  Two weeks ago, my back hurt so bad that I couldn't stand up.  I have to finally face the fact that I am not going to be built like a truck, that truck has driven off, parked at a seedy motel, and is probably actively trying to get chlamydia.  I have to focus on my weight to take some strain off my back and my knees.  Not to mention, I want to look good in a suit (both fancy and birthday).

Goal #3: Save more money.  As my net worth has increased, it has created this positive feedback loop for growing it more.  I watch the number climb and that fills me with more pride and a greater sense of success than anything has ever done in my life.  This year I can get the net worth to 300K, that will be my target.  This spring we will look into putting a pool in the back yard, which will temporarily derail the goal... but I think I can make it regardless. 

That will be it.  I will let the other stuff fall as it will.  The wife and I have our 15th anniversary this month and we will be spending a week in Mexico and right after that my oldest turns 13.  A week after that is stock grant day and two more weeks to bonus day.  It will be March before I know it, so better get cracking.

Wish me luck! 

- Eric