
Monday, August 24, 2015


Over the last year, I have made a hobby into trying to torture myself.  I have completed 2 Tough Mudders, a 10K, and I am signed-up for a mini-Triathlon, and the Men's Health Urbanathlon.  I thought if I scheduled an event once every couple of months, it would give me something to focus on, to keep my diet and exercise habits in check while living here in the Bay Area.

The plan is for at least 6 events in 2016, including my first marathon.

I will admit I was partially correct, in that I do tend to keep an eye on things when I know the next torture test is just around the corner, but I have not done a good enough job, nor taken it seriously enough to drop that bad habit of Sunday Night Oreo's.

But, as I have said a 1000 times, the best part about failing is getting to start over.  So here I am, starting over... again.

It is just over a month till my Triathlon and 90 days till the Urbanathlon.  So here I go... once again... this time, I will get it right ;)

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