Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Long Weekend

Just got back from a long weekend in Santa Barbara, here are my thoughts:

1. SB is nice, about a 5 hour drive down from SF.  But there are homeless people every ten feet, and it was cold.  Not mid-west cold but not shirtless beach warm either.  Next trip will be further south.
2. I spent an ass load of money on this mini-vacation, which reminds me why I don't go on vacations.  However, I love the feeling of staying at a nice hotel.  Nothing better than being treated like you are important.
3. Generally speaking, the kids were great.  We were actually able to do vacation stuff.  Over the next year things will get more fun as the twins turn more into little people and less into demon toddlers.
4. My van is destroyed.  Sand, food, and garbage... ahhhh road trips.
5. SB has breathtaking views, really nice combination of mountains and beaches.  FL may have better beaches and ocean, but the views in Cali are amazing.
6. In between SF and LA is vast open farmland.  I never would have guessed that.
7. I take two days off work and my job collapses upon itself, awesome.
8. I am going to drop 30 pounds, get a giant tattoo on my left arm/shoulder, and find a new way of life.  Before July 15.
9. I have been trying to turn over some new leaves in my professional life, feel free to kick me to get me started.
10. I am amazed at how well my kids make friends.  Take them to a place and in ten minutes they have a new buddy.  I do not possess this skill.
11. Back to work!

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