Monday, April 28, 2014

Bring on May

After all the glorious weather we had over the winter, not comes the part of Northern California no body tells you about until after you get here.  The weather basically has not changed since day 1.  If it weren't for Outlook, I wouldn't know what time of year it is.  We still get really cool nights and a cold crisp wind.  Highs are generally in the 60-70 range.  Nice, but no different than January was.  Sadface.  On a positive note, it supposed to be nearly 100 degrees on Wed of this coming week on the east side of the bay.  100!

We got a house rented, pics in the twitter feed.  I will be spending the next 5 weekends loading and unloading and building furniture from Ikea.  Those directions are friggin terrible.  I will post a little video once we get all of our stuff moved in.  24 month lease, so we will be there for two years, and I am pretty stoked about having space again.  The commute is gonna blow, but I think I have found some ways to mix it up, use alternate transportation, etc...

Oh well... at least a roof is over our head and food is in our belly.

Speaking of food.  I have been dieting now for a week and a half.  I hate skipping meals or eating light, it is not in my nature.  However, a little suffering is good for the soul, and given the gravy boat of my existence, a little suffering is probably just what the doctor ordered.  My plan is go home for a long weekend in July with a body that I have never had.  Even younger Eric was still fat little Eric.

Hey... enjoy your day, your week, and your month.  Write again soon.

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