
Monday, June 3, 2013


I can't believe its already June.  The end of this month marks two years at Medpace, another "hard to believe" fact.  Time to get my ass in gear or the Year of Eric is going to fall flat and need a do over of its own.

Goals for June:

1. Drop 8 pounds
2. Stop dropping softballs in the outfield (I had two errors yesterday.  UGH)
3. Have a date night with the wife
4. Do something awesome with the big kids (I am thinking Kings Island)
5. Do something awesome with the whole family (I have a mini-vaca, 4 days off this month)
6. Play a round of golf
7. Keep working on my HTML book
8. Keep on searching

Let's hope for good weather and some good breaks.  Enjoy the month.

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