Wednesday, January 2, 2013


2011 was a dramatic year for me, new job, birth of the twins, a lot of excitement.  But 2012 was rather flat.  Not to say it was bad or good, just flat.  Like the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry realizes that everything in his life breaks even.

So 2013 is going to have to be better, and I am going to have to do something about it.  Many years ago, I had the Summer of Love, not unlike the Summer of George (find it on youtube and laugh).  So I have decided this will just have to be the Year of Eric (see title).

I have created a few goals for the year and I fully intend to accomplish them.


1. Get into better shape, not "hey look at my abs shape", but "hey don't I look GD awesome in this suit shape".  That starts today!  I want to weigh 190 pounds on April 1.

2. I want to create 300 tweets, 300 blog posts, 300 pics, and 300 videos before the year is out.

3. I want to update my image, pay more attention to how I dress and my appearance.

4. I want to learn Spanish (at least learn more).

5. I want to learn HTML (at least enough to have some fun with this blog and the HTML apps which work within it).

6. I want to do something for charity this year, I don't know what but I want to do something I can sustain (like start a charity golf outing).

7.  I want to go out with my wife more this year, once a month!

8. I want to be more social this year, make an effort.  Do something in the world with or without kids monthly!

9. I want to spend less time "browsing" the internet, less than 30 minutes a day.

10. I want to smoke more cigars, drink more beer, drink more wine, experience more new things.  At least one new thing a month.

I will try to keep this up in the #YearofEric

Wish me luck!

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