Friday, December 21, 2012


The school shooting in Newtown has really affected me, more so than the other horribly tragic things that happen way too often on this rock.  It has bothered me far more than even the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.  I can't tell you how many times I have teared up over the last week.  A couple of times, I literally had to go to a bathroom stall and recover before I could get back to work.

It's easy for me to understand why this impacts me so much.  I have kids. I have kids that age. I have kids that we send off to school, fully expecting they return home.

I don't like guns, I never have.  Contrary to what most people would think, I don't think they provide safety but rather the illusion of safety.  If you draw a gun on someone you had better be willing to kill them, because you have just escalated the situation to that point.  I don't mind that people have guns.  I approve of hunting and sport shooting.  But you are never going to be able to explain to me why you need a semi-automatic (or automatic) assault rifle.  This machine serves only one purpose, that to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

I don't know what should all come of this.  I won't be upset if severe limits are placed on guns, but I suspect on very minor things will change and I guess that is OK.  But what has bothered me the most about all this, beyond of course the obvious, is the complete jackassery of so many of my fellow humans.  If I see one more "guns don't kill people" poster or one more idiotic comment about "should be ban driving due to traffic accidents" I am going to vomit.  I literally fill with rage every time I see that stupidity broadcast to the planet.

A terrible thing happened to innocent kids and I for one have been profoundly changed.  I will make sure, at a minimum, that I am a better person and a better parent because of this.

Happy Holidays from me, I hope for a safer 2013.

- Eric

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